Monday, July 16, 2018

Transfer 7:6 Blessings in the nick of time


This week was a very busy one for us! That being said, we have seen a lot of great things happen in the midst of it all! 

Some highlights from this week are that we have been meeting with a man named Godfrey who was being taught in Minnesota before moving back to Uganda. He is a very humble man and his family is wonderful. This past Friday was our first time meeting with him in his home, and it was a great lesson! As we taught about the plan of salvation, he couldn't believe that after years of studying the Bible intently that he had never before heard of Christ ministering to the dead as it is mention in 1 Peter 3&4! This strengthened his testimony a lot, and he said that this means so much to him that he now knows that he can be with his family forever! 

Another miracle that took place was the Baptism of  Kennedy Savio. We have been teaching him for a very long time, since I arrived in Uganda come to think of it. we found him as we were leaving our apartment one day and we greeted our neighbors. He is probably one of the humblest people that I have met, and he has had a great deal of faith when it comes to learning about and following the Savior. When we first met him he was without a job and he felt a bit lost. As we visited with him, we promised him that if he took what we invited him to do to heart and if he would study and apply the teachings of the Book of Mormon into his life, he would see his life change for the better. In fulfillment of that promise, he now has a steady job, a closer relationship with family and friends, and always has a smile on his face! Unfortunately, there were unforeseen circumstances that postponed his baptism, but through his faith and patience he was able to be prepared for the day when it finally came! I love watching how peoples' lives are changed through the things we teach! I know without a doubt that it has changed mine, and that even though I am not a perfect person, I have it as my support no matter what comes my way. 

A lot of good things are on the horizon here in Makindye! I'm excited to tell you about it as it all unfolds! 

Oh! transfers are this week! Sadly, elder Tryon is going to Kabowa and Elder Wailagala is going to the MTC to officially start his mission. However, my new companion seems to be a really cool guy and he is from Ghana! His name is Elder Bimpeh. The rest of my district will also be Ghanaian with Elders Crankson and Boglo. So I will be the only Mzungu now. That being said, I know that that will be super fun and I look forward to working with them!!

I love all of you and I am ever grateful for your love and support. Know that I send it right back to you as well! 

Also, I know it has been some time since I've sent photos! Below is one of my friends who has been elusive until we finally got pics yesterday, and the other is of Ken's baptism. It goes: Elder Wailagala, Me, Brother Laurence, Kennedy, and then Elder Tryon.

Elder O'Hagan

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