Monday, May 28, 2018

Transfer 6:5 There is Peace in Christ!

Hello All! 

This past week has gone by so fast! This transfer too! 

Anyways, This past week we have been able to see some great blessings come into our work and our lives! 

Throughout the week the greatest message we were constantly sharing was about the Godhead and how we can literally reach out to them through sincere prayer. 

One person we taught this to was Susan. She is 16 years old and she wanted to know how to be able to pray. She told us that she wanted to say many things to her Father in Heaven in verbal prayer, but that she also was at a loss for words each time she attempted to do so. We started by explaining how praying to our Heavenly Father is just like talking to our parents about our life from day to day. However, it is so much better because He is perfect, and we can truly learn from counseling with Him about our struggles, or even expressing our sincere love for Him! We then moved to the Savior, His Son Jesus Christ. He Atoned for us! Meaning that every pain, temptation, or feeling of sadness that we have ever had or will have in this life has already been felt by Him, and He pleads with the Father for us to be able to have second chances! He is literally our advocate with the Father, and as we pray in the name of Jesus Christ we can be ensured an answer as he takes our plea before our Father. This lead us to talking about the Holy Ghost, or Holy Spirit. The role of the Spirit is to teach, comfort, and confirm many things for us. (John 14:26 & John 16:13) While we might not get the answer to our prayers in the way we wanted or at the time we wanted it, we shall always receive one. The voice of the Spirit is not one that we regularly hear from people each day, though that may be a way of receiving an answer. Rather, the Spirit brings feelings into the heart and thoughts to the mind that can help us know what we can do regarding our trials and concerns in life. (Galatians 5:22-23). 

As we taught this to Susan and many others throughout the week I was able to feel and see how precious this knowledge is and can be to those who receive it. In Susan's case, she texted us days later thanking us and informing us that she now knew what words she could say to her Father in Heaven and she also felt that she could now pray to Him about anything! 

With this in mind, I also know now more than ever before in my life that the world is filled with countless tragedies and disasters. Whether they be in our own life or in the world around us. Regardless of what we see day by day, we can be rest assured that there is truly Peace in Christ. I invite you to listen the the Mutual Theme for 2018 that was released by the Church titled Peace in Christ whenever you are having a rough day or you feel that the world is at all ends against you. As you listen and think about the various blessings that you have received by the Savior; and that you can even give to others through following His example, I can promise you that you can finding abiding comfort swell into your heart. I know this because it has done the same for me as I daily strive to serve him who gave us life. 

I love each of you and I am forever grateful for the impact each of you have had in my life. I hope sincerely that you each will be blessed with peace in the coming week!

Much love as always!
-Elder O'Hagan

Today I went to a crocodile farm and to the equator as a part of our Prep. Day! It was awesome and I got to hold a baby croc! However, The computers here have viruses that prevent me from sending the photos :(

Monday, May 21, 2018

Transfer 6:4 - 3 Nephi 5:13

Hello Everyone! 

I hope that you are all doing well and that there is peace in your life!

This past week has been a great one for sure! I have learned a lot about how faith can bring miracles and blessings to anyone who is willing to act on their beliefs! 

On Tuesday we had exchanges and I was with one of the Zone Leaders, Elder Hall. We had a great time and we also taught some great lessons in his area! One lesson that we taught was to a single mother that we found as we were finding. We could tell that life has not been easy for her and that she needed peace. As we taught about our divine nature as children of God, her countenance completely changed. She even said that she was considering going to Church for the first times in 4 years! It continues to amaze me how when we follow the Spirit as we minister to those around us in love, we can literally bring peace into their life. It is a great privilege!

Thursday was a great lesson in patience and attitude! A lot of our appointments fell through and so we only taught a few people and did finding for most of the day. While the outcome was minimal, it was our attitude that made the few lessons that we taught very powerful and filled with the spirit!

The weekend was also terrific! Saturday evening we decided to do finding outside of the Chapel, and we contacted about 15 people! Some of which were even Muslims who wanted to know more about The Book Of Mormon and how it could teach more about who Jesus Christ actually is. So that was cool! It was also my wonderful companion Elder Tryon's idea! 

Sunday was another powerful day at church. Our attendance spiked up to 74 people and the lessons really touched the hearts of our investigators! 

Needless to say, we are seeing many blessings in our area. Sure, the work is difficult and can be seen as insurmountable, but I know that if we have trust in The Lord and in those we work with that anything can happen! I know it sounds clique, but I can promise you that it is true! 

With that I challenge each of you to reach out to someone that perhaps you don't talk to often and to make them happy! I can promise you that serving others in this way can bring peace to everyone's life.

I love all of you and I am grateful for your support and love! 

Mosiah 2:21 

21 I say unto you that if ye should serve him who has created you from the beginning, and is preserving you from day to day, by lending you breath, that ye may live and move and do according to your own will, and even supporting you from one moment to another—I say, if ye should serve him with all your whole souls yet ye would be
unprofitable servants.
1 Peter 4:19
19 Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator.

3 Nephi 5:13

13 Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.
Elder O'Hagan

Monday, May 14, 2018

Transfer 6:3 A Week of Blessings!

Hello Everyone!
This past week has been one of great faith and improvement for our area!

We have found many sincere people and we have also received many referrals! On top of all of that, we saw some miracles in the lives of those we teach that have allowed them to learn more.
Throughout the week we met new people that would walk into our lessons or that people we are teaching would invite to learn what is blessing their lives! One of these was a man named Tuesday. He had been taught by Elders months ago, but never really took to the message. We actually found him as we were celebrating Elder Tryon's birthday at a members home (and yes, we did make cake). Anywho, as we talked with him and retaught the Restoration, he began to see that he could finally know which Church is true through sincere prayer, and he has committed to do just that.
Another miracle that we saw come through an investigator that we have been teaching who is mostly blind. Before I came to this area she had been given a priesthood blessing for her eyesight to improve. We had been committing her younger sister to read the Book of Mormon to her, but it was not happening. Then on Sunday; on her first day to Church, we learned that she can now see perfectly and that her eyes do not hurt her anymore! She can now read and see us clearly! This experience has greatly increased my faith in God, and I know that he answers prayers in His own time!
I know that these are only a glimpse at our week that we have had, but if I wrote everything here it would take a while! I love my companion and the Makindye Ward! One of my favorite scriptures that I have read this week is Galatians 6:9. Truly, if we do all that we can to do good to others and to serve them we will see the results in ourselves and in those we aim to love and care for. I know that what I am doing is the Lord's work, and that those who embark in this great cause shall indeed increase spiritually as well as in their sense of self. D&C 15:6 

I love all of you and I hope and pray that each of you will continue to bless others in your life as you have done for me! 

The Cakes that we made for Elder Tryon's birthday

Us and my favorite little person, Sandra

I found the B&W feature on my camera and had some fun :)

The sunrise from our apartment

There is peace in Christ! 

Much Love,
Elder O'Hagan

Monday, May 7, 2018

Transfer 6:2 "To Dream the Impossible Dream; Fight the Unbeatable Foe; To Run Where The Brave Dare Not Go"

Hello Everyone!!

I certainly hope that you are all doing fantastic today!

This week has gone by too fast, and we have seen a lot of great things happen!

Tuesday: Today we met a guy named Richard. He is Seventh Day Adventist and he has a lot of questions about the Sabbath Day. We were able to answer him a little bit, but the rest of the visits during the week we were able to really focus his attention to the restoration and how we can better understand the scriptures and gospel through modern day revelation. While things may be moving slowly, I believe that he will be a powerful investigator as he continues to understand the scriptures through prayer!

Wednesday: Today we met a new person through our Book Of Mormon class. Her name is Nicole. She is super awesome! She asks great questions and believes that our message is true!

Also, I apologize for this being short. My internet time is about to go up, but know that I am loving the work and that if we continue to have sincere faith we will see miracles. 

My companion, Elder Tryon.

The cutest dog that I have seen on my mission so far!

A wood carving of the Three Wisemen that one of our investigators made.

Also, the difference from when I got here 8 months ago to now :)

I love you all!
Elder O'Hagan