Monday, May 14, 2018

Transfer 6:3 A Week of Blessings!

Hello Everyone!
This past week has been one of great faith and improvement for our area!

We have found many sincere people and we have also received many referrals! On top of all of that, we saw some miracles in the lives of those we teach that have allowed them to learn more.
Throughout the week we met new people that would walk into our lessons or that people we are teaching would invite to learn what is blessing their lives! One of these was a man named Tuesday. He had been taught by Elders months ago, but never really took to the message. We actually found him as we were celebrating Elder Tryon's birthday at a members home (and yes, we did make cake). Anywho, as we talked with him and retaught the Restoration, he began to see that he could finally know which Church is true through sincere prayer, and he has committed to do just that.
Another miracle that we saw come through an investigator that we have been teaching who is mostly blind. Before I came to this area she had been given a priesthood blessing for her eyesight to improve. We had been committing her younger sister to read the Book of Mormon to her, but it was not happening. Then on Sunday; on her first day to Church, we learned that she can now see perfectly and that her eyes do not hurt her anymore! She can now read and see us clearly! This experience has greatly increased my faith in God, and I know that he answers prayers in His own time!
I know that these are only a glimpse at our week that we have had, but if I wrote everything here it would take a while! I love my companion and the Makindye Ward! One of my favorite scriptures that I have read this week is Galatians 6:9. Truly, if we do all that we can to do good to others and to serve them we will see the results in ourselves and in those we aim to love and care for. I know that what I am doing is the Lord's work, and that those who embark in this great cause shall indeed increase spiritually as well as in their sense of self. D&C 15:6 

I love all of you and I hope and pray that each of you will continue to bless others in your life as you have done for me! 

The Cakes that we made for Elder Tryon's birthday

Us and my favorite little person, Sandra

I found the B&W feature on my camera and had some fun :)

The sunrise from our apartment

There is peace in Christ! 

Much Love,
Elder O'Hagan

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