Monday, January 8, 2018

Week 15: Happy (Belated) New Year...

Week 15: Happy (Belated) New Year

Hello everyone! 

It feels like it has been a very long time since I last emailed you all. Hopefully I can catch y'all up as best as I can!

We have seen many blessings here in the K3 area lately! We've been blessed with many people who are intent on learning more about the gospel and Jesus Christ! I've also had many great opportunities to grow my own faith and to learn more from the scriptures!

Monday: We spent the New Year with President and Sister Collings as a Zone at Akegera Game Park! Pictures will be attached or in a separate email. It was a great experience and it was great to see the beautiful earth and creatures that God has created here for us to experience!

Tuesday: We had Zone Conference today and I learned a lot as usual! The main thing that I took away was that the Holy Ghost can truly work in our lives if we have the desire and faith to ask for His help. It is truly amazing the power that comes through the Spirit, as well as the ability we can have to experience it first hand in our lives.

Wednesday: Today was a very solemn day. Elder Young and I were preparing for our day's lessons when we received the news that our Prophet Thomas S. Monson had passed away. He will be missed. His teachings have truly become an anchor for me in doing this work, and I know that as he continues in his life that he will do wondrous things for those in the Spirit World. 

Thursday: Today was a very interesting and awesome day! Most of our appointments fell through, but this lead to the coolest one by far. A week ago, we met a man named Wang, from China. Today we got to teach him and his translator a bit about our Church and about who Jesus Christ is since he doesn't have a Christian background. It was super cool, but also kind of weird when we found out that when he was filming us, that we were on a live vlog with 100,000 Chinese people watching us introduce the Book of Mormon! Crazy stuff! 

Friday: Apparently I'm 19 now? So that's pretty neat. I'm excited to focus my efforts this year on the Lord and doing His will for the people of east Africa.

Saturday: Wooooooo! We had two baptisms! Claudine and Furaha are their names, and I know that they will both be powerful members of the Church for the rest of their lives. Sadly, I don't have pictures for that one, but hopefully they'll come soon from the other missionaries. It was also my first time being the person to Baptize someone! It is a truly wonderful experience, and I am truly blessed to be a part of these lives that are beginning to come closer to their Father in Heaven!

Sunday: We also had a baptism today for John D'Dieu, who was taught with Claudine and Furaha. He is a truly powerful man! He pretty much taught  himself and the others each lesson. All we did was guide the discussions and ask questions. There is no doubt that he'll do great things! 

So, that's this past week for you all. I wish that I could share more with you, but there is just so much and very little time! I hope that you are all doing well in your lives. I love you all and I hope that you have peace and joy in your lives as you do your best to be the best each day! 

-Elder O'Hagan

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