Wednesday, December 5, 2018

November Recap

Hello Everyone!! 

I hope that it has been another great month for you all and that this email finds you well! So much has happened and I apologize for being a week late in sending this out. From my first time training at a zone conference to finally being able to drive, I have had a lot of trial and error as well as miracles attend the past few weeks! We even had two baptisms! 

I almost don't know where to begin. I suppose to start I'll talk about those who were baptized a couple of weeks ago. One is Josephine and the other is Viola (photos attached). They are both really strong and they have made a lot of sacrifice to know the truth and to follow it. Josephine would take time every day to read the Book Of Mormon despite the fact that exams were around the corner. As for Viola, we had a really cool conversion experience with her during a lesson we taught a few weeks back. She knew that everything is true about The Church, but she had been baptized twice before. We decided that we would reteach the restoration with an emphasis on the priesthood and the blessings associated with it. As we finished the lesson we bore testimony about how much God loves her and needs her to be a part of the great cause of teaching the gospel and living it. When we asked her what she felt, she told us that she knows that she needs to be baptized! It was a highly spiritual lesson, and one of the best of my mission. 

I have also been having the most spiritual and uplifting experiences of my whole mission lately. I say this almost every email, but this is without a doubt the work of the Lord. He has strengthened me in my weakest of moments and comforted me as I continue despite the challenges that attend teaching the gospel. I love the Lord and I know that He is there for each one of us. 

With this being the beginning of the Christmas season, I invite you all to think of what He has been able to provide for you and your families and to give thanks through how you treat others. If you do not know much about the Savior and what He has truly done for us all, then I invite you to discover these things this December. I know it will bring peace and healing into your life, and you will be blessed beyond measure with the knowledge you gain and the experiences you have with sharing with others the gift of gratitude and joy. 

I love you all and I hope you have an outstanding week!

-Elder O'Hagan